Folk-Tale Type ATU411 in Eurasian Folk Tradition: Some Remarks to the “Typological Index of Folk-Tale Types” of H.-J. Uther

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: independent researcher
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameEtnograficheskoe obozrenie

The article is an attempt to systematize the presently available versions of the folk-tale type ATU411 “King and Lamia” (according to the H.-J. Uther’s Folk-Tale Type Index). The author examines the versions and the plot genesis, its areal distribution, analyzes the character of the snake-turnskin juha, and tracks its genesis. The author’s analysis suggests more exact and detailed information to the paragraph, devoted to the ATU411 type, which could be useful throughout the new edition of folk-tale types’ index publication.

Keywordsfolk-tale typology, serpent in folklore, ATU411, snake in folktale, juha, Turkish folktale, Chinese folktale
Publication date11.10.2018
Number of characters405
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