Romani Groups Migrations and Formation of the Gypsy (Roma) Population in Russian Empire in the 17th – Early 20th Centuries

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for the Roma Studies of Europe and Researches Regarding the Crimes against Humanity and Inter-national law
Address: Republic of Serbia, Belgrade, Zemun, 10 Atanasija Pulje St.
Journal nameEtnograficheskoe obozrenie

The article draws on the author's extensive research to examine the causes and timeframe of appearance in the Russian empire of the largest ethnic groups of Gypsies (Roma) which made up the base for the Gypsies (Roma) population of Russia during the period from the 17th through the early 20th centuries: Servy, Russka Roma, Vlachy, Kishiniovtsy, Krymska Roma, Kelderara, Lovara. I briefly analyze the history of formation of the Roma population of Russia in the context of major developments in the state policy towards the Gypsies, and outline the principal stages of this process. I employ an array of sources ranging from historical, ethnographic, and linguistic findings, archival materials and literature, to census data, legislative acts of the Russian empire, and field research.

KeywordsGypsies (Roma), Russian Empire, migrations, formation of the Gypsy (Roma) population, state policies, Romani ethnic groups
Publication date11.10.2018
Number of characters668
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