Optimum distribution of electric and thermal loadings between power units of combined heat and power plant

Publication type Article
Status Published
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Energetika
EditionIssue 6

At present, the total electric power of heating plants of Russia is about 90GW(Gigawatt), and the heat rate is 260 thousand Gcal/h (Gigacalorie per hour).Equipment of cogeneration plant is represented by a wide range from 25 MW (Megawatt) or less, up to 250 MW of unit capacity of power and turbine units. Often one plant has diverse equipment and is forced to provide heterogeneous load. On the other hand, each station faces the task of reducing fuel costs, which can be provided by the most favorable combination of operating equipment and specified loads (thermal and electrical). Thus, the solution of the optimal load distribution enhances the efficiency of the CHP. 

The article presents the main provisions of the optimization method, which is based on differential exergy approach [1]. The optimization criterion, its parameters and limitations are formulated. The working capacity and efficiency of the method are shown on the example of a really functioning CHP. It is shown that the effect of fuel economy may amount to 16.8–22.4 million rubles for a combined heat and power plant with a capacity of 350 MW.

Keywordsoptimization, mode, exergy, loading
Publication date16.01.2019
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