Mathematical method for calculating the risk of power flows exceeding the tie lines capacity in the problem of adequacy assessment

Publication type Article
Status Published
Ural Branch of RAS
Ural Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg
Affiliation: Ural Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg
Journal nameIzvestiia Rossiiskoi akademii nauk. Energetika
EditionIssue 5

The integration of new technologies and changing of principles of power system’s control and operation have led to the necessity for increasing the level of details of the data and representation used in the models for planning power system future perspectives. Because of this fact, the computation burden of the traditionally used Monte Carlo simulation technique (MCS) has become significant even in terms of long term planning. Analytical method that allows to speed up calculations of generation adequacy indices such as the risk of exceeding tie lines capacity constraints by power flows is proposed in the article. The proposed approach is based on Lagrange multipliers method applied for random values. In accordance to the test calculations the proposed method requires less computation time and enough accurate in comparison to MCS.

KeywordsPower systems, adequacy, adequacy indices, power imbalance, Lagrange multiplier method, Monte Carlo simulation, correlation matrix
Publication date10.01.2019
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