Assessment of the Global Purposes’ Impact of Sustainable Development on Human Potential

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Russian Federation
Occupation: Principal Scientific Researcher
Affiliation: Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation: Senior Research Scholar
Affiliation: MIREA – Russian Technological University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameEkonomika i matematicheskie metody
EditionVolume 55 Issue 4

The purpose of this research is to assess the level of human potential in Russia’s regions and to determine whether it contributes to the achievement of the “Goals of sustainable development for the period until 2030”. These “Global Goals” were proposed by the United Nations Development Program, adopted internationally by most countries, including Russia, and officially became effective on January 1, 2016. The article analyzes how the attitude of society to human development is changing in the course of history and how it is interpreted by the modern concept of sustainable development in the United Nations Development Program. Six indicators characterizing various aspects of human potential are offered. Interregional analysis of the selected components of human potential is carried out and the most prosperous and unfavorable regions in this regard are identified. The results of the analysis can be used to choose priority areas in the development of individual regions. Since Russia has not yet developed national indicators for the achievement of the “Global Sustainable Development Goals”, the study formed such indicators based on official statistics of Russia’s regions. As a result, 16 indicators were proposed for 8 Goals, and their correlation analysis with human potential indicators is carried out. For this purpose, statistical data is collected, processed and analyzed for thr period of 9 years in 85 regions of Russia. The results of our research can be used to formulate a strategy for achieving the “Sustainable Development Goals” for individual regions as well as for developing the priority trends in the regions.

Keywordshuman development, sustainable development, human potential, quality of population, statistical analysis, interregional analysis
Publication date16.12.2019
Number of characters32278
100 rub.
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