Computer algorithm of social and personal norms formation

Publication type Article
Status Published
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Moscow
Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameEkonomika i matematicheskie metody
EditionVolume 54 Issue 4

The article offers a programming algorithm of modeling the formation of social norms based on personal ones. Differing ways of social norm emergence are not considered in this work. An analysis of currently available computer implementations indicates the high relevance of such algorithms. The proposed algorithm dynamically generates personal and social norms which correspond to the actual model setting. In addition, norms can be dynamically changed or grow irrelevant and be erased without user interference. A norm in this algorithm is explicit, i.e. it is a rule of a certain type, which allows simple manipulations within the model framework as well as studying it without resorting to auxiliary calculations and interpretations. The norms formation algorithm is implemented as a software module extending a more general computer model of human behavior. In a series of computational experiments, in the overwhelming majority of cases, meaningful, logical, relevant social norms were formed. These experiments indicate the success and adequacy of the proposed norms formation algorithm.

Keywordssocial norm, personal norm, behavior, computer simulation, algorithm, model, sanction
AcknowledgmentThis study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 15-06-05877).
Publication date15.01.2019
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