Soviet Marxist Humanism: from the Class Struggle to the Renaissance of Human

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Senior Lecturer
Affiliation: Kursk State University
Address: 33 Radishcheva str., Kursk 305000, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 34 Issue 5

The article considers the main ideas of Soviet Marxist humanism. It is shown that, despite ideological control over culture and science, an original version of Marxist humanism has been developing in Soviet philosophy since the mid 1930-s. Unlike other countries, where the publication of Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts played a key role in the emergence of Marxist humanism, this publication did not have the same impact in the USSR. Soviet Marxist humanism results from the debates about proletarian culture and humanism in 1920–30-s and also evolves as an anti-fascist movement. Studying the subject, we analyze three key narratives: proletarian humanism, socialist humanism and communist humanism. Proletarian humanism (M. Gorky, M. Petrosyan), in our opinion, historically corresponded to the period of irreconcilable ideological struggle with abstract humanism and fascism. Socialist humanism (N. Bukharin, P. Fedoseev, F. Konstantinov) was investigating necessary material and spiritual conditions to bring up a comprehensively developed personality. Communist humanism (I. Frolov) reflected the process of scientific and technological revolution and historically corresponded to de-escalation of international relationships and political course towards democratization and transparency.

KeywordsMarxist humanism, proletarian humanism, socialist humanism, communist humanism, soviet philosophy, class struggle, alienation, human, comprehensively developed personality, anthropological turn
Publication date23.11.2023
Number of characters28051
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