Personal Authenticity as a Predictor of Coping with Stress and Possible Effect of the Stress

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: professor
Affiliation: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: 20 Myasnitskaya Str., Moscow 101000, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 34 Issue 4

The importance of studying the phenomenon of personal authenticity as loyalty to one's true Self is substantiated. Historical and cultural prototypes of this phenomenon are considered. The difference between the Eastern and Western traditions of understanding the true Self is noted: in the East, a person's dialogue with the world was implied, whereas in the West — internal harmony was. Four basic oppositions are proposed to describe authenticity: to have vs to be (adaptation vs meaning); source vs effect vs epiphenomenon; molecular vs molar; internal vs external. The main function of authenticity is identified as monitoring the meaningfulness of life lived by a person in accordance with their unique calling. The contemporary descriptive and operationalized concepts of authenticity are compared; their limitations when transferred to Russian culture are noted. The original agent conception of authenticity is proposed, understood as a person's loyalty to their individuality, the space-time context of their life and life-calling. The status of authenticity in this sense is a trait like sensitivity to situations. The agent conception is supported by the Moscow Authenticity Scale as the main standardized measurement tool. The resource role of authenticity in stress situations of various nature is discussed. Based on the data on the impact of negative life events obtained in various fields of psychology, a hypothetical model of the possible change and genesis of authenticity under the influence of stress is substantiated.

Keywordsаутентичность личности, стресс, позитивная психология, экзистенциальная психология, личностно ориентированная психология, субъектный подход
Publication date03.09.2023
Number of characters30881
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