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1. Shmerlina I.A. Ponyatie «social'nyj institut»: analiz issledovatel'skih podhodov [The Concept of “Social Institution”: Analysis of Research Approaches]. Sociological Journal. 2008. N 4. P. 53–69.
2. Aydinonat N.E., Ylikoski P. Three Conceptions of a Theory of Institutions. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. 2018. Vol. 48. Issue 6. P. 235–54. DOI: 10.1177/0048393118798619
3. Barth F. Analytical dimensions in comparison of social organizations. American Anthropologist. New Series. 1972. Vol. 74. N ½ Feb. – Apr. P .207–220.
4. Bondarenko D.M. Social Institutions and Basic Principles of Societal Organization. The Evolution of Social Institutions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Ed. by: Bondarenko D. M., Kowalewski S. A., Small D.B. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
5. Chomsky N. The UCLA lectures (April 29 – May 2, 2019). URL: lingbuzz/005485 (accessed 08.08.2021).
6. Collin F. Social Reality. London, New York: Routledge, 1997.
7. Collins C. ‘Merge (X,Y) = {X,Y}’. Labels and Roots. Eds. Bauke L., Andreas Blümel A. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. 2017. P. 47–68.
8. Dequech D. Cognitive and Cultural Embeddedness: Combining Institutional Economics and Economic Sociology. Journal of Economic Issues. 2003. Vol. 37 (2). P. 461–470.
9. Giddens A. The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1986.
10. Lee R.B. The Dobe Ju/’hoansi. 4th Edition. Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2013. URL: (accessed 08.02.2021).
11. Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Structure and Function in Primitive Society, Essays and Addresses. Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1952.
12. Read D. Kinship, Formal Models of. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences. 2nd Edition. Ed. by: Wright D.J. 2015. Vol. 13. P. 53–60. URL: (accessed 08.08.2021).
13. Read D. et al. An Algebraic Account of the American Kinship Terminology. Current Anthropology. 1984. Vol. 25. N 4. P. 417–449.
14. Read D.W. A New Approach to Forming a Typology of Kinship Terminology Systems: From Morgan and Murdock to the Present. Structure and Dynamics. 2013. Vol 6 (1). URL: (accessed 18.08.2021).
15. Searle J. Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization. Oxford, University Press, 2010.
16. Searle J. Social Ontology: Some Basic Principles. Anthropological Theory. 2006. Vol. 6. Issue 1. P.12–29.
17. Searle J. The Construction of Social Reality. New York, 1995.
18. Seumas M. Social Institutions. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed. by: Zalta E.N. 2019. URL: (accessed 08.08.2021).
19. Barth F. Analytical dimensions in comparison of social organizations. American Anthropologist. New Series.1972. Vol. 74. No. ½ Feb. – Apr.p. 207–220.
20. Bondarenko D. M. Social Institutions and Basic Principles of Societal Organization.The Evolution of Social Institutions: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, eds. Bondarenko D. M., Kowalewski S. A., Small D.B. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
21. Chomsky N. The UCLA lectures (April 29 – May 2, 2019). URL: lingbuzz/005485 (Accessed 08.08.2021.)
22. Collin F. Social reality. London, New York: Routledge, 1997.
23. Collins C. ‘Merge(X,Y) = {X,Y}’. Labels and Roots, eds. Bauke l., Andreas Blümel A. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2017. P. 47–68.
24. Dequech D. Cognitive and Cultural Embeddedness: Combining Institutional Economics and Economic Sociology. Journal of Economic Issues. 2003. Vol 37 (2). P. 461–470.
25. Giddens A. The constitution of society: outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge: Polity press, 1986.
26. Lee R.B. The Dobe Ju/’hoansi. 4th edition. Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2013. URL: (Accessed 08.02.2021.)
27. Radcliffe-Brown A.R. Structure and Function in Primitive Society, Essays and Addresses. Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1952.
28. Read D. Kinship. Formal Models of. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition Vol 13. Ed. Wright D.J. Oxford: Elsevier, 2015. P. 53–60. URL: (Accessed 08.08.2021)
29. Read D., et al. An Algebraic Account of the American Kinship Terminology. Current Anthropology. 1984. Vol. 25. N 4. P. 417–449.
30. Read, D. W. A New Approach to Forming a Typology of Kinship Terminology Systems: From Morgan and Murdock to the Present. Structure and Dynamics. 2013. Vol 6(1). URL: (Accessed 18.08.2021)
31. Searle J. Making the social world: The structure of human civilization. Oxford, University press, 2010.
32. Searle J. Social Ontology: Some basic principles. Anthropological Theory. 2006. Vol 6. Issue 1. P.12–29.
33. Searle J. The Construction of Social Reality. New York, 1995.
34. Seumas M. Social Institutions. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed. Zalta E.N. 2019. URL: (Accessed 08.08.2021.)