Against Naturalism. On Rational Strategies and Role of Idealizations

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: RAS Institute of Philosophy
Address: Российская Федерация, 109240 Москва, ул. Гончарная, д. 12, стр. 1
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 33 Issue 2

The article outlines the main hypotheses of the research program "Thinking, consciousness and freedom". The cluster of concepts consciousness-meaningfulness-autonomy-rationality-(in)determinism-subjectivity-idealization is under consideration. The significance of transcendentalist disposition for theories of consciousness striving for maximum consistency with reliable results of modern sciences is substantiated. On the one hand, mutually compatible variants of interpretations of the above-mentioned concepts are analyzed; on the other hand, conceptual constellations leading to the effects of theoretical trivialization of basic forms of human knowledge and self-understanding are revealed. The importance of conjugacy of the phenomenon of rational activity and the processes of (re)establishing autonomy is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the metaphysical presumptions underlying a number of scientific theories, and, accordingly, to the issue of existential and metaphysical self-determination of modern man.

Keywordsconsciousness, idealization, autonomy, rationality, (in)determinism, subjectivity, authorship
Publication date11.05.2022
Number of characters41353
100 rub.
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