Our Inhuman Future or Tricks of Transhumanism

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy and Law of SB of RAS
Address: Novosibirsk, Nikolaev St. 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 33 Issue 1

The article analyzes the concept of posthuman, proposed within the ideology of transhumanism. The author shows how, within the framework of this concept, the basic schemes of human reduction are built, due to which a person can be deduced from socio-cultural reality as a being and replaced by a special being, a posthuman. It is shown that it is due to the basic ontological and conceptual reductions that the temptation arises to replace a person with a new being, more perfect and almost immortal one. The article provides examples of the named reductions, such as: the reduction of a person as being to his biological body; reduction of human existence to the existence of separate biological bodies; reduction of human thinking to intellectual operations and functions, which, in principle, can be modeled and transplanted into a technical device; reduction of the highest human abilities (thinking, will, imagination, memory, feeling) to functional operations occurring in the brain, localized there, as a result of which they can be isolated, described, modeled, and then the model can be transplanted onto an artificial medium, having received artificial intelligence. The author proposes to develop a response to this challenge associated with the replacement of a person, proposes to develop a so-called anthropological alternative. The latter is, among other things, in building a new conceptual model, built using the already known basic scheme of mediation, developed within the framework of Russian cultural-historical psychology and anthropology. Thanks to this scheme of mediation, it is quite possible to build on a new basis a model of a man-symbol-machine system, with the help of which it is possible to build new cultural practices for the development and formation of a person's personality.

Keywordstranshumanism, anthropology, man, posthuman, human future, artificial intelligence, natural and artificial
Publication date14.03.2022
Number of characters32478
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