On the Forms and Content of Moral Instruction in School Books and Children’s Reading Books of the 16th to the Early 19th Centuries. Part II

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Philosophy RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameChelovek
EditionVolume 31 Issue №4

On Forms and Content of Moral Instruction in School Books and Children’s Reading Books of the 16th – Early 19th C.

The given article is the second part of the study on the role of school books and children’s reading books in the processes of changing moral consciousness and behavior of the early modern European society. Analysis of moral instruction in this book production during the 16th – early 19th centuries revealed a gradual rejection of the predominance of the moral-negative (that is, character traits that should have been eradicated and actions that should have been avoided), which was expressed in the numerical dominance of examples of worthy of imitation behavior. The appeal to the fear of God as the main incentive for virtuous behavior is gradually replaced by the appeal to the voice of child’s conscience and by the idea of the inevitability of reward and punishment already in this life. The appearance in the educational literature of thematic blocks “order” and “obligations”; civic virtues; the exaltation of the virtues of self-discipline, industry, and everyday ascetism reflected the influence of philosophical ideas of the Enlightenment, brings school textbooks closer to other genres of children’s literature (periodicals of the late 18th century), and to the book production distributed in Europe as a part of the movement of the so-called folk Enlightenment.

Keywordsmoral instruction, school textbook, early modern time, order, obligations, industry, self-discipline, civic virtues
Publication date29.09.2020
Number of characters29165
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