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1. Arkhangel'skaya A.A. Vneshnyaya politika Dzhekoba Zumy, 2009-2017 gg. // Aziya i Afrika segodnya. 2018, № 2. (Arkhangelskaya A.A. 2018. Foreign Policy of Jacob Zuma, 2009-2017 // Asia and Africa today. № 2) (In Russ.)
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3. Sidorov V.A. Yuzhnaya Afrika: ehkonomika i vneshneehkonomicheskie svyazi. M., 2017. (Sidorov V.A. 2017. South Africa: economy and external economic relations. M.) (In Russ.)
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5. State of the Nation Address by President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa // The Presidency. Republic of South Africa - (accessed 17.08.2018)
6. Remarks by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the BRICS Business Forum, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg // The Presidency. Republic of South Africa - (accessed 17.08.2018)
7. Head T. Brics: Five things South Africa gained from the multi-national summit // The South African - (accessed 17.08.2018)
8. Zhurnalisty pozhalovalis' na bardak na sammite s uchastiem Putina // (Journalists complained about the mess at the summit involving Putin // (In Russ.) - (accessed 17.08.2018)
9. Jokhannesburgskaya deklaratsiya Desyatogo sammita BRIKS // Prezident Rossii. (10th BRICS Summit Johannesburg Declaration // President of Russia) (In Russ.) - (accessed 18.08.2018)
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12. Games D. South Africa’s Economic Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa // Chatham House - (accessed 21.08.2018)
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14. Tovarooborot Rossii s YuAR v 2013 godu prevysil $1 mlrd // ITAR-TASS. (Russia's trade turnover with South Africa in 2013 exceeded $1 bln // ITAR-TASS) (In Russ.) - (accessed 16.08.2018)
15. Rossiya i YuAR naraschivayut tovarooborot // Ministerstvo ehkonomicheskogo razvitiya Rossijskoj Federatsii. (Russia and South Africa increase trade turnover // Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation) (In Russ.) - (accessed 16.08.2018)
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