The Image of Yuri Dolgoruky in Collective Memory of the Soviet Society

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Don State Agrarian University (Novocherkassk Institute of Engineering and Land Reclamation,)
Address: Russian Federation, Novocherkassk
Journal nameISTORIYA

The place of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky in the collective memory of Soviet society is considered in the article. It is noted that the image of this prince gained relevance in connection with the celebration anniversary of Moscow in 1947 of the 800th. Since that time, from the feudal lord, who is leading an aggressive predatory policy, he turns into an outstanding prince-organizer, a guardian of the welfare of Rus. The connection of his name with the first mention of Moscow is shown as the main reason of Yuri Dolgoruky exaltation. The image of its founder wasnused for substantiation the historicity of the Soviet state, its ancient roots. It is shown that the memory of Yuri Dolgorukiy as the founder of the future Soviet capital and a number of the other Russian cities, a great statesman and commander, was implanted mainly by monumental art and fiction. The article concludes by the transformation of Yuri Dolgoruky into a symbolic figure of memories or the official place of memory.

KeywordsYuri Dolgorukiy, collective memory, place of memory, the 800th Anniversary of Moscow, monumental art, fiction
Publication date31.10.2020
Number of characters38645
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