Russia and Russians in the Eyes of Contemporary Mongols

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: history teacher
Affiliation: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Ulaanbaatar branch
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 10

The article examines the images of Russia and the Russians existing in the national consciousness of the contemporary Mongolians. The transition from the image of the USSR as an older brother to the modern models of interpretation of our country. Popular image of the older brother in the socialist period in the Mongolian People’s Republic is losing its relevance, along with the passing of the «Soviet» Mongols generation who were educated in USSR or in Soviet educational institutions in Mongolia. Nevertheless, the conditions that form the positive image of Russia are: proverbs and sayings related to the theme of brotherhood, the people’s memory, the activities of Russian official organizations (the Russian Embassy in Mongolia, the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Ulaanbaatar). As well as, the objective geographical location of Mongolia, bordering in the north with the Russian Federation and in the south with the PRC affects the positive image of Russia. In the widespread Sinophobic conditions inMongolia, Russia acts as a neutral (more profitable) partner, a reliable defender against potential Chinese aggression. The modern images of Russia and the factors influencing their formation are analyzed as follows. First, the image of Russia as a northern neighbor (a positive-neutral assessment) is considered as a strategic partner. Secondly, the image of Russia as an aggressor country (negative assessment) was formed due to Internet and nationalist discourses. In conclusion, the conditions that will influence Mongolia’s choice of the actual image of Russia and the Russians, is outlined.

Keywords Mongolia, the images of Russia, nationalism, national identity
Publication date19.10.2018
Number of characters555
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