The Constitutional Statuses of Hong Kong and Macao After Joining the PRC

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: director of Department of History, Far East and South-East Asian countries
Affiliation: Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Affiliation: MGIMO University (Moscow State Institute of International Relations)
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 10

The article dwells upon major constitutional institutions in Hong Kong and Macao - the former colonies of the UK and Portugal.The law systems of Hong Kong and Macao vary as they inherited the elements of the judicial systems of the former metropolitan countries so Hong Kong law adopted common law and law of equity and Macao’s legislation embodied characteristic features of the Roman law. It is highlighted that Hong Kong and Macao emerged as large trade centers in the Far East and they are still financial and investment hotspots, which makes the standards of living the highest in Asia. The mix of eastern stereotypes and western theory and practice is a vital problem which affects all spheres of these regions’ polity. The authors focus on the way the special administrative regions interact with the People’s Republic of China within the “one country - two systems” concept. This conception implies accession of two cosmopolitan economically developed regions to the PRC. The stance of the Beijing’s authorities is based on traditional idea of power of the Celestial Empire which is found on imperial ideology and Confucian values. Chinese leader Xi Jinping concedes that the complete reunification of the country is in the fundamental interest of the entire Chinese nation and it is common aspiration as well as duty of all Chinese. Constitutional documents don’t specify the way Hong Kong and Macao will cooperate with the mainland in 50 years when they finally join China.

Keywords Hong Kong, Macao, special administrative regions of the PRC, the PRC, constitutional status
Publication date19.10.2018
Number of characters497
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