Central African Republic: 2020-2021 elections

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Leading Research Fellow
Affiliation: Institute for African Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Москва
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 6

The article is devoted to the geopolitical background, circumstances, results and consequences of the 2020-2001 presidential elections in the Central African Republic (CAR). The drama of the electoral process in this country is due to the fact that the pre-election struggle of the incumbent president and the forces opposing him has acquired the form of an acute armed conflict.

Many candidates for the presidency united under the banner of the hastily created “Coalition of Patriots for Changes” were opposed to legally elected President F.-A.Touadere. This association consisted of various  political groups and confessions nominated F.Bozize as a candidate for the president post in CAR. François Bozize is putchist, ex-president, who fled the country in 2012 after a regular military coup. Militants of the "Coalition" refused to recognize the authority of President Touadera and started a military mutiny.

The author argues that only the intervention of Russian military instructors and forces of Rwanda army saved the country from an armed seizure of power by Bozize’s combatants.

The author notes the latent political support for Bozize on the part of France in order to discredit Touadera. The support of the ex-president is primarily due to the desire to restore the influence of France in the former colony,

It is concluded that the victory of Touadera, achieved with the active political and military support of the Russian Federation and Rwanda, will contribute to the normalization of the situation in Central Africa, strengthening the authority and growth of our country's influence in the region.

KeywordsCentral African Republic, Russia, France, Rwanda, elections, Touadera, Bozize
Publication date11.06.2021
Number of characters27727
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