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1. Todd C.S., Safi N., Strathdee S.A. Drug use and harm reduction in Afghanistan. Harm Reduction Journal. 2005, № 2.
2. Korgun V.G. 2004. History of Afghanistan. XXth Century. Moscow. (In Russ.)
3. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. World Drug Report 2019 Executive summary: conclusions and policy implications. UNODC Research, 2019. 53 p.
4. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2018: Challenges to sustainable development, peace and security. July 2019. 77 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
5. Mitrofanenkova O.E. 2019. Drug Traffic from Afghanistan and Iran’s Fight Against Drug Trafficking. Eastern Analytics. № 1. (In Russ.)
6. Mitrofanenkova O.E. 2019. USA’s Drug Policy in Afghanistan (1990-2010 years). Eastern Analytics. № 3. (In Russ.)
7. Gajiev M.A. 2019. Illegal Drug Trafficking as a Threat to National and International Security. Political Science Issues. № 11. (In Russ.)
8. Plastun V.N. 2018. Drug Trafficking as one of the Threats on the New Silk Road. Novosibirsk State University Bulletin. Series: History and Philology. № 4. (In Russ.)
9. Andersson C.I.M. Counterproductive Counternarcotic Strategies? American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 2013. Vol. 95, № 4, pp. 917-931.
10. Bove V., Elia L. Drugs and Violence in Afghanistan: A Panel Var With Unobserved Common Factor Analysis. Defense and Peace Economics. 2013. Vol. 24, № 6, pp. 535-554.
11. Greenfield V.A., Bond C.A., Crane K. A Household model of opium-poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. Journal of Policy Modeling. 2017. Vol. 39, № 5, pp. 741-761.
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14. Peters G. How opium profits the Taliban. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace, 2009, 39 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
15. Rubin B.R. The Political Economy of War and Peace in Afghanistan. World Development. 2000. Vol. 28, № 10, pp. 1789-1803.
16. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. World Drug Report 2018: Analysis of drug markets: Opiates, cocaine, cannabis, synthetic drugs. UNODC Research, 2018, 72 p.
17. Goodhand J. Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drugs Economy and Post-conflict Peacebuilding in Afghanistan. International Peacekeeping. 2008. Vol. 15, № 3, pp. 405-423.
18. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2003. October 2003. 97 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
19. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2007. October 2007. 165 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
20. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2018: Cultivation and Production. November, 2018, 69 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
21. World Bank. World Bank Open Data. (accessed 28.06.2020)
22. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2012. May 2013. 111 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
23. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2013. December 2013. 117 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
24. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2014: Cultivation and Production. November 2014. 67 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
25. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2015: Cultivation and Production. December 2015. 69 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
26. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2016: Executive Summary. October 2016. 12 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
27. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2017: Cultivation and Production. November 2017. 73 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
28. FDD’s Long War Journal. Mapping Taliban Control in Afghanistan. (accessed 28.06.2020)
29. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2015: Socio-economic analysis. March 2016. 65 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
30. Greenfield V.A., Crane K., Bond C.A., Chandler N., Luoto J.E., Oliker O. Reducing the Cultivation of Opium Poppies in Southern Afghanistan. Santa Monica, California: RAND Corporation, 2015. 233 p.
31. Uppsala Universitet. Uppsala Conflict Data Program. (accessed 28.06.2020)
32. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2004. November 2004. 119 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
33. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2005. November 2005. 138 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
34. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2006. October 2006, 148 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
35. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2008: Executive Summary. August 2008. 32 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
36. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2009: Summary Findings. September 2009. 32 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
37. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2010. December 2010, 118 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
38. UN Office on Drugs and Crime. Afghanistan Opium Survey 2011. December 2011. 113 p. (accessed 28.06.2020)
39. Lind J.T., Moene K.O., Willumsen F. Opium for the Masses? Conflict-Induced Narcotics Production in Afghanistan. The Review of Economics and Statistics. 2014. Vol. 96, № 5, pp. 949-966.