Japan. School education reforms for integration into society 5.0

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: PhD student, Insitute of Asian and African Countries
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 1

In Japan full-scale digitalization of school education is being carried out from April 2020 as part of educational reform, aiming to provide access for all children to personal computers and net resources. 

The ambitious goals of the program are to adapt every Japanese person to life in digital world from an early age, to rebuild their thinking in such a way that they feel free to live in a society of redundant information. The ability to use the achievements of technological progress stands out as a basic skill, without which the existence of modern man is unthinkable. The development of the ICT environment is a means to create a stable society where children can use their creative potential and have close connections with other members of society. In the new school curriculum, ICT technologies are being pushed beyond mathematics. The importance of logical thinking in all spheres of human activity is emphasized, and the classic division between humanitarian, natural and technical sciences between is blurred. 

Based on acts of the Ministry of education, working documentation of Japanese teachers and media materials, the author of the study seeks to find answers to the following questions - How the Japanese teach schoolchildren live in the world of cybernetic technologies and big data preserving traditional moral values and cultural links that are passed down through generations? Can online education trigger economic growth and drive the society forward in prospect? Or is it all just ‘much ado about nothing’?

KeywordsJapan, education, Society 5.0, ICT, GiGA, digital ethics
Publication date26.02.2021
Number of characters22838
100 rub.
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