The Future of Egypt through the Eyes of Arab Anti-Utopian Writers

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Associate Professor, Faculty of Asian and African Studies, St. Petersburg State University
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 10

The paper explores the emergence of a new genre in Arabic literature. In recent years, the interest of Arab writers in the new dystopia genre has increased, which is associated with serious political, economic and social changes affecting the region. Attempts to find answers to important questions for society concerning the future way of life were reflected in a number of dystopian novels, many of which were highly praised by critics, some of them were translated into foreign languages. Today, the situation in some Arab countries offers many variations for the future, and literature was the first to respond to such changes.

It is also important that a lot of Arab anti-utopian writers are not older than forty years. Young people from the Arab intelligentsia, perhaps the most soberly assess the situation after the events of the Arab spring. While most of the population at first was in euphoria, then replaced by disappointment, young writers offer their own vision of the situation in the country.

The paper analyzes the background of the appearance, goals and regional characteristics of the genre. We took two dystopian novels by Muhammad Rabi «Otared» and Basma Abd al-Aziz «The Queue» as an example of new genre. The opportunity to look at existing problems through the prism of a new genre allows the researcher to get a more complete picture of the situation in the region. Writers attempt to «predict» and «warn» society about possible problems, and this is one of the important tasks of intellectual literature, to which the dystopia genre can be attributed.

Keywordsliterature, Arabic novel, dystopia, Arab Spring
Publication date31.10.2019
Number of characters26140
100 rub.
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