The Rayleigh-Taylor instability development in the equatorial ionosphere and an initial irregularities geometry

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Kant Baltic Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kaliningrad
Affiliation: Kant Baltic Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kaliningrad
Affiliation: Kant Baltic Federal University
Address: Russian Federation, Kaliningrad
Journal nameMatematicheskoe modelirovanie
EditionVolume 30 Number 9

The numerical modeling was carried out for the equatorial Earth ionosphere F-region of conditions by means of the two-dimensional mathematical MI2 model coordinated electrodynamically. It is shown that ionospheric bubbles development time rather strongly depends on the vertical scale of the initial irregularity and strongly depends on the horizontal scale. The ionospheric bubbles developed more slowly at instability generation by a plasma increase, than at instability generation by plasma decrease. Three metric thresholds at initial irregularity scale increase are found experimentally.

Keywordsionosphere, Rayleigh Taylor instability, mathematical modeling, numerical modeling, initial perturbation, metric threshold
Publication date04.10.2018
Number of characters585
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