Official development assistance to Afghanistan: results analysis

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Post-graduate student, lecturer
Affiliation: Moscow State Institute of International Relations
Address: Russian Federation, 119454, Moscow, Vernadsky Ave, 76
Journal nameAsia and Africa Today
EditionIssue 8

Official development assistance has long become an integral part of international financial and economic relations and is deemed as a commitment of the international community to harmonious and sustainable global development and a global public good.

At the beginning of the new millennium after the fall of the Taliban government Afghanistan joined the ranks of aid recipients and soon became one of its foremost addressee. The article analyzes effectiveness of ODA to Afghanistan. The author clarifies the goals and the results of the ODA cooperation with Afghanistan, carries out comparative and statistical analysis of ODA cooperation on the basis of socioeconomic and institutional development indicators set forth by the Government of Afghanistan and approved by the international community. The relevance of the research is distinguished by the experts’ and scholars’ interest and widespread skepticism on the subject. Another factor contributing to the relevance of the present article is a lack of macroeconomic analysis of foreign aid and its effectiveness in Afghanistan, despite a variety of articles on its political and security effects.

The research has noted Afghanistan’s significant progress in socioeconomic development, both with regard to economic growth and infrastructure development. However, despite that the country failed to realize most of its development goals, with the least progress achieved in social and cultural spheres. Moreover, complex indicators and international ratings suggest that nearly two decades of development under the supervision of the international community failed to boost Afghanistan’s institutional development, which still largely remain corrupt and barely more efficient. These facts, as shown in the article, support a belief that aid in Afghanistan has been inefficient and ineffective.

Keywordsofficial development assistance, international development assistance, fragile states, socioeconomic and institutional development of Afghanistan, aid efficiency and effectiveness
Publication date14.10.2018
Number of characters16663
100 rub.
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