Selection of predecessors for crops of periodically irrigated rice on light chestnut soils

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Address: Russian Federation
Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameVestnik of The Russian agricultural science

The presented analysis of the of the All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Agriculture research results were obtained in 2014–2016 in the conditions of the southern slope of the Volga Upland allowed to enrich new knowledge the problem of rice cultivation using innovative water-saving technology on general-irrigation systems, including different agricultural crops as predecessor cultures. To estimate the preference choice of rice predecessor were selected the following crops: leguminous – soybean, tilled – potatoes and narrowrow crops – rice. These researches have shown that all predecessors of rice sowings with slight timing difference were completed vegetation and formed close to the planned yield without negative impact on the soil, that allow to recommend them for inclusion in rice rotations on general irrigation systems and use with periodic irrigation in the following rating order: soybean ® potato ® rice. The priority soybean place as a rice precursor is determined by its favorable impact on the agronomic properties of the soil: the plow-layer density - 0.6 m, pore space, water permeability and some others. The maximum rice yield (5.05 t of grain/ ha) was formed under soybean predecessor, under potato it was lower by 0.15 t / ha, and rice – by 0.29 t / ha. The highest water consumptive use of rice was summed under soybean precursor, the volume of which amounted to 5780 m3 / ha, in the variant where potato was predecessor it decreased to 5622 m3 / ha, and in rice planted after rice - 5521 m3 / ha.

Keywordsrice, soybean, potato, hydrophysicalsoil characteristics, yield, water consumptive use, economics
Publication date06.12.2018
Number of characters1599
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