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Figure 1. Gebel el-Nour on the map of the Ptolemaic Egypt. (001.jpg, 199 Kb) [Download]
Figure 2. Plan of the temple of Ptolemy II on Kom I (S.V. Vetokhov). (002.jpg, 460 Kb) [Download]
Figure 3. Survey area at Gebel el-Nour in 2022 and selected individual finds (M.A. Lebedev, S.E. Malykh). (003.jpg, 167 Kb) [Download]
Figure 4. Topographic plan of the temple area on Kom I (M.A. Lebedev, A.A. Troshina, S.V. Malykh). (004.jpg, 338 Kb) [Download]
Figure 5. Main archaeological sites near Gebel el-Nour (M.A. Lebedev). (005.jpg, 294 Kb) [Download]
Figure 6. Archaeological sites and monuments in the vicinity of the mouth of Wadi Ghayada (M.A. Lebedev). (006.jpg, 233 Kb) [Download]
Figure 7. General view on the temple are of Gebel el-Nour and its surround-ing landscape from the east (photo by S.V. Vetokhov). (007.jpg, 273 Kb) [Download]