Turkish Literature and Folklore in Manuscripts of the Collection of the Yalta Historical and Literary Museum

Код статьиS086919080009624-3-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: старший научный сотрудник
Аффилиация: Института востоковедения РАН
Адрес: Москва, Российская Федерация, Москва
Название журналаВосток. Афро-Азиатские общества: история и современность
ВыпускВыпуск 3

В Ялтинском историко-литературном музее содержится собрание рукописей и старопечатных книг на арабском, персидском и тюркских языках. Эта коллекция, собранная в результате археографических экспедиций 1920‑х гг. (в основном директором предшественника ЯИЛМ – Восточного музея Ялты – Якубом Меметовичем Кемалем), насчитывает около 200 единиц. Уникальное собрание является на сегодняшний день самой представительной коллекцией в мире, отражающей традиционную письменную культуру крымских мусульман. В коллекции арабографичных рукописей Ялтинского историко-литературного музея в основном представлены списки Корана, сочинения по различным отраслям исламской теологии (в частности, сочинения по суфизму) и юриспруденции, а также трактаты по астрономии и медицине. Среди рукописей данного собрания были выделены также и некоторые немногочисленные художественные произведения на тюркских языках (как правило, переписанные в Турции или уже на территории Крыма): «Мухаммадийа» – дидактическая поэма о пророке Мухаммаде, созданная Мехмедом Челеби (Языджиоглу) (ум. 1451) в 1449 г. Эта поэма пользовалась огромной популярностью в татарской мусульманской среде (в том числе в качестве печатного издания) – видимо, не только среди татар Поволжья, но и у мусульман Крыма. Значительную ценность в этой коллекции представляют сборники народной и религиозной поэзии (джонки), а также крымскотатарские народные поэмы – дестаны, в том числе дестан о голубе («Гюверджин»), а также «Тугай-бек»», «Шукур-наме», «Пастух», «Кесикбаш китабы» («Дестан об отрубленной голове», также весьма популярный именно среди мусульман Поволжья). Тюркские рукописи и книги Ялтинского историко-литературного музея не только представляют собой круг чтения мусульманина – по словам В.А. Гордлевского, одним из первых обратившего внимание на эту коллекцию, «ходжи или студента» XVII – начала XX вв., они, прежде всего являются одной из иллюстраций тесных литературных и культурных связей между Крымом и Османской Турцией, где была переписана основная часть рукописей собрания, а также Поволжьем.

Ключевые словаколлекции рукописей, Крым, ислам, Османская империя, турецкая литература, тюркский фольклор, словари
Дата публикации22.06.2020
Кол-во символов15539
100 руб.
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1 The Yalta Historical and Literary Museum contains a fairly representative collection of manuscripts and old-printed books in Arabic, Persian and Turkic languages (about 200 items). The collection was primarily formed by the manuscripts which were brought to the Museum in course of archeographic expeditions of the 1920s in Crimea.

The history of the collection

3 The Oriental Museum was established in Yalta in 1921 and existed until 1930. One of the main goals of the Museum was to preserve the traditional culture of the Muslims of Crimea, especially the Crimean Tatars: “Priority was given to written sources and things from the era of the Crimean khanate. The Museum... had to play a leading role in preserving the culture of the Crimea. The Oriental Museum was planned as a logical continuation of the Bakhchisarai Museum, where only the culture of the Muslims of the Crimea was represented...” [Musayeva, 2014, p. 176]. The activities of the Museum in the 1920s, quite well recorded in various preserved archival documents, are currently extensively studied. The most researched part is the history of replenishment of various ethnographic collections, primarily related to the culture and life of the Crimean Tatars. Thus, it is reported that “the staff [of the Museum] was sent to Tatar villages to search for ethnographic material. Thanks to this expedition, a loom, chests, and women's metal jewelry were purchased. At the same time, work was underway to create a catalog of the Museum”; also the employees of the Museum gave lectures on history, art and ethnography of the Crimean muslims [Musayeva, 2014, p. 176].
4 In 1927, Yakup Memetovich (Memet-oglu) Kemal (1887–1938), an Arabist and the former student of A. E. Krymsky, once the rector of the Zinjirli madrasah, became the director of the Museum. His priority was to collect materials on the history and culture of the Crimean Tatars, as well as manuscripts in Turkic, Arabic and Persian (along with other items of material culture of the Tatars of the Crimean southern coast). At the same year, the Oriental Museum in Yalta under his direction carried out three ethnographic expeditions. At the end of March 1927 there was the first expedition to the coastal villages located between Alushta and Sudak; in September 1927 the second expedition took place to the villages of Oreanda, Koreiz, Miskhor, Kekeneiz; and the third one was set off in November-December again to the Sudak region – from Baydar to Sudak). Apparently, the manuscripts that formed the core of the Museum's manuscript collection were collected as a result of these expeditions. According to some publications, Yakup Kemal started to work on the description of some manuscripts on Arabic language from this collection.
5 In the same year, in October 1927, a manuscript collection of 65 manuscripts in Arabic, Turkish and Persian languages, which has been initiated by Yakup Kemal, was briefly reported by V. A. Gordlevsky [Gordlevsky, 1968, p. 257–261]. In 1929 Yakup Kemal was removed from the position of director of the Oriental Museum, and the Museum itself was closed indeed a year later (in 1930, it was merged with the Yalta Museum of Local Lore – later the Yalta Historical and Literary Museum).
6 It is considered that the closure and disbandment of the Oriental Museum in Yalta led to the liquidation of its funds and archives, but the collection of its manuscripts (and also litographs and old-printed books) in Turkic, Arabic and Persian languages was preserved and later was found in the funds of the Yalta Historical and Literary Museum.

The content and the description of the collection

8 In 2019, a preliminary list of manuscripts, lithographs, and old printed books was compiled, they were grouped by language (Arabic, Persian, and Turkic), chronology, and subject matter. Some of the manuscripts were attributed and described in accordance with the established in Russian oriental codycology scheme of description of arabographic manuscripts.
9 The structure of the description corresponds to the general principles of description of such manuscripts [Khalidov, 1986; Gacek, 2001]: code of the manuscript; the title of the work in the Arabic script; translation of the title of the manuscript into Russian; the name of the work. By specifying the name of the author of the work we also indicate (if it is possible) differences in the versions of the name, the middle name, nickname, place of origin and possible literary pseudonym; date of copy of the manuscript; name and nickname of the copyist; receipts of former owners, containing names and dates, brief characteristics of other attributes; seals that are stamped on the manuscript; the name of the former owner or a collection, which included the manuscript. We also indicate the size of the manuscript, number of pages, information about the oriental catchwords and pagination with possible errors in it, the number of lines per page, text size, characteristics of paper, ink, type of handwriting, decorations and miniatures of the cover (i.e. description of execution and the name of the bookbinder). Particular attention was paid to the notes in the margins, glosses, seals of different waqf libraries, owner's inscriptions and bindings, as they, being an independent historical source, allow us to establish how did the manuscripts got to the Crimea and to this collection.

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Система Orphus
