Особенности нетарифного регулирования в торговой политике Казахстана

Код статьиS086919080004609-6-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Должность: старший преподаватель
Аффилиация: Высшая школа экономики
Адрес: Москва, Российская Федерация, Москва
Название журналаВосток. Афро-Азиатские общества: история и современность
ВыпускВыпуск 2

Республика Казахстан является одним из государств-основателей сначала Таможенного союза с Российской Федерацией и Республикой Беларусь, созданного 1 января 2010 г., а позже Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС), который начал функционировать 1 января 2015 г. Как член ЕАЭС страна взяла на себя обязательства гармонизировать свое национальное законодательство в соответствии с основными положениями нормативно-правовых актов союза. В данной статье анализируются национальные нетарифные меры (НТМ), применяемые Республикой Казахстан в своей торговой политике, в свете развития евразийской интеграции. Исследование основывается на данных об НТМ Казахстана, собранных Конференцией ООН по торговле и развитию (ЮНКТАД). Анализ 239 действующих нетарифных мер позволил сделать выводы о структуре нетарифного регулирования Казахстана: большинство мер − это технические меры, применяемые в отношении импорта (санитарные и фитосанитарные (СФС), меры и технические барьеры в торговле (ТБТ)). В текущих условиях технические меры, направленные на регулирование экспорта, также играют значительную роль в торговой политике страны. Вместе эти два типа мер составляют почти 95% всех НТМ Республики Казахстан. Кроме систематизации типов мер и товарных групп, к которым они применяются, НТМ Казахстана проанализированы с точки зрения их соответствия основополагающим правовым принципам Всемирной торговой организации (ВТО): режиму наибольшего благоприятствования (РНБ) и национальному режиму. Результаты исследования позволяют сделать предварительные выводы о том, какие нетарифные меры могут являться барьерами в торговле с зарубежными странами и тем самым замедлять экономический рост самого Казахстана.

Ключевые словаЕвразийский экономический союз (ЕАЭС), Республика Казахстан, нетарифные меры (НТМ), торговые барьеры, режим наибольшего благоприятствования (РНБ), национальный режим
Источник финансированияДанная работа подготовлена при грантовой поддержке Факультета мировой экономики и мировой политики НИУ ВШЭ в 2018 г.
Дата публикации18.04.2019
Кол-во символов34071
100 руб.
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1 Over the several past decades the role of tariffs as main instrument of trade policy has decreased. This happened due to the fact that since 1995 many countries1 have joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) and it limited the scope of use of tariffs that they may apply against their trade partners. In addition to this, countries actively started to form regional2 and preferential trade agreements3 that were also aimed at decreasing the level of tariffs that agreeing parties may use against each other. As tariffs decreased countries began to apply more NTMs in their trade policies. 1. 164 countries are members of the WTO as of end of 2018.

2. Reciprocal trade agreements between two or more parties.

3. Unilateral trade agreements granting preferences to specific countries (e.g. developing countries).
2 As most other countries in the world, Kazakhstan adopts NTMs due to the following main reasons: to correct market failures; to protect consumers from low quality or dangerous products; to protect national industries from foreign competition and stimulate local production of goods.
3 The Republic of Kazakhstan was one of the first countries to join the Eurasian Economic Union as initially it was a member of the Customs Union between the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan itself that was formed on January 1, 2010. As for any other EAEU member, NTMs in the Republic of Kazakhstan are introduced via two channels: either via EAEU legislation, or via national legislation.
4 In general terms this article analyses a vast group of NTMs that is defined within UNCTAD’s methodology that is quite different from the point of view of the Eurasian Economic Commission. As such, according to article 46 of the Agreement on EAEU [Agreement on Eurasian Economic Union, 2014] there are 5 types of non-tariff measures: export and import prohibitions, quantitative restrictions, exclusive right to export/import, automatic licensing measures, authorizations (licenses). These measures are listed in Decision of April 21, 2015, No. 30 “About Non-tariff measures”.
5 In turn, in addition to this group of EAEU measures UNCTAD’s methodology includes SPS, TBT, different taxes and financial measures in NTMs. Some of these “additional” measures find their reflection in supra-national EAEU legislation as well.
6 For example, according to paragraph 3 of article 53 of section X of the Agreement on EAEU [Agreement on Eurasian Economic Union, 2014] countries do not apply the requirements of national technical regulations if corresponding technical regulations of the Union are adopted. In turn, national technical regulations can be applied to products included in the list of products that are subject to obligatory requirements (that is given in Decision of Commission of Customs Union of January 28, 2011, No. 526 [Commission of Customs Union, 2011]) and that do not have corresponding Union technical regulations applied to them.
7 Nevertheless, some of the measures are adopted within national legislation of corresponding member states and are applied by these members only. For example, Kazakhstan applies its own VAT (value added tax) and excise tax rates which are considered to be national NTMs. Still, it should be noted that some of national measures hinder integration within EAEU and increase costs for exporters/importers.
8 The current article concentrates more on measures that are adopted only within national legislation and are applicable only in case of the Republic of Kazakhstan and not in case of other EAEU members.


10 Application and introduction of national NTMs in the Republic of Kazakhstan is regulated mostly by 5 authorities: the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry for Investments and Development, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Healthcare. Together these authorities cover application of 48 trade- and NTM-related legal acts (approximately 80% of total national trade- and NTM-related legal acts).
11 In total, UNCTAD’s (TRAINS/WITS) database contains classification of 239 nationally applied NTMs in the Republic of Kazakhstan (as of end of 2017). Import-related TBT measures, SPS measures and export-related measures comprise approximately 95.0% of total coded national non-tariff measures (see figure 1).
12 Most frequently used import-related requirements are: TBT labelling requirements (17.15% of the total number of national NTMs) and temporary geographic prohibitions for SPS reasons (9.62% of the total number of national NTMs) (see table 1). As for export-related measures, most frequently used measures are technical measures of category “Export technical measures, not elsewhere specified” mostly consisting of requirements on testing, labelling, packaging, etc. (see table 2).

Figure 1. National non-tariff measures of the Republic of Kazakhstan by chapter, as of end of 2017

14 Notes:
  1. * – Price-control measures – “Price-control measures, including additional taxes and charges”; Pre-shipment inspection – “Pre-shipment inspection and other formalities”; Non-automatic licensing – “Non-automatic licensing, quotas, prohibitions and quantity control measures other than for SPS or TBT reasons”.
  2. Number in parenthesis is the total number of NTMs of the Republic of Kazakhstan classified under specific chapter.
Source: compiled by the author on the basis of WITS/TRAINS database [WITS/TRAINS Database, 2018].

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