The etymology of Romani ća(j)lo ‘satisfied, satiatedʼ

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 6

Out of the three verbal etymologies for this word that have been proposed, the first one (OInd. ćar- ‘graze’) is utterly implausible morphologically, the second one (chad- ‘seem [good], please’) cannot be correct for phonological reasons, and the third one (cak- ‘be satiated’) is only partially acceptable. We attempt to show that in this Romani adjective (as well as in the closely related verb ća(j)ľol ‘get satiated’ and ‘like’), as is often the case in Romani, two different roots may have merged: cak- ‘be satiated’ and *cāh- ‘want’. The latter, unattested in Old Indic, yielded verbs with meanings such as ‘want, love; it is necessaryʼ in most New Indian languages and has been neglected in Romani etymology, which appears to be an inexplicable oversight.

Keywordsetymology, Prakrit, Romani
AcknowledgmentThe research is supported by RSFH grant No. 16-34-01044 “The study and description of Romani Vlax dialects in Russia”.
Publication date26.11.2018
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