Syntactic archaisms in colloquial Russian

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: National Research University Higher School of Economics
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 6

The article analyzes archaic syntactic constructions in colloquial Russian when a noun in genitive appears as the direct object of a transitive verb (such as dat’ noža, etc.). The connection of such genitival constructions with the semantics of partitivity is demonstrated. The author concentrates on the origin and semantics of the approving or encouraging exclamation molodca! in the Russian spoken language. According to the author, it is a former genitive form of the direct object related to a verb of utterance (verbum dicendi), i. e. a part of a construction similar to such phrases as skazat’ duraka or pustit’ petuxa.

Keywordsaccusativus duplex, animacy, deindividuation, genitive as a form of direct object, genitivus negationis, genitivus partitivus, language of Gogol, metaphorization of meaning, partitivity, spoken language, syntactic archaisms
Publication date26.11.2018
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Система Orphus
