On the interpretation of l-forms without auxiliary used in pluperfect contexts in Hypatian Chronicle and The First Novgorodian Chronicle

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Russia
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 5

The article analyzes l-forms without auxiliary with a meaning of a pre-past action. Such l-participles are usually regarded as perfect forms used in pluperfect contexts. However, it will be shown that apparently we deal with the rise of a specialized form expressing the grammatical meaning of result, for which the correlation with time (present or past) was irrelevant. This interpretation is confirmed by the material of Modern Russian dialects with -shi / -vshi perfect and pluperfect, where the -shi / -vshi form used without auxiliary in the past tense can mean the result pertaining not only to the present, but also to the past.

Keywordsl-form, Old Russian, perfect tense, pluperfect tense, resultative
Publication date08.10.2018
Number of characters759
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Система Orphus
