Predictors, big data and new measuring: The impact of computational linguistics on linguistic theory

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: National Research University «Higher School of Economics»
Address: Moscow, 101000, , Russian Federation
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 2

The papers, observed in the overview, employ the methods of computational linguistics to enhance theoretical framework. The overview aims to demonstrate a detailed analysis of the benefits that a theoretical linguistic study could gain with the help of methods and instruments of computational approach. In particular, two domains seem to be very perspective. First of all, the use of machine learning technique as a prediction instrument for analysis of multifactorial linguistic phenomena. Secondly, there are completely new opportunities for typological studies due to big data of deeply annotated corpora, created for purposes of computational linguistics for different languages.

Keywordscomputational linguistics, dative alternation, definiteness, language theory tree-bank, machine learning, natural language processing, referential choice, theoretical linguistics, typology
Publication date11.04.2016
Number of characters1125
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