Experimental studies of grammar: Syntactic analysis of ambiguous sentences

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, 199034
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: 199034
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: 199034
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: 199034
Affiliation: St. Petersburg State University
Address: 199034
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 6

Parsing in sentence processing is one of the key problems of psycholinguistics. Syntactically ambiguous sentences, which allow for several possible parses, give an opportunity to reveal the factors that guide the choice of the interpretation and thus become an instrument for studying sentence processing. In this paper we present several experiments with reference to Russian. The results may help to gain a better understanding of how syntactic processing may proceed.

Keywordsmental grammar, sentence processing, syntactic ambiguity
Publication date05.12.2016
Number of characters619
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