Differential argument marking: Semantics, morphology, syntax

Publication type Article
Status Published
Moscow State University of Education
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 119991; 125009
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow State University of Education
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 119991
Moscow State University of Education
Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow, 119991; 125009
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 6

The paper presents an overview of the current issues and tendencies in studies of differential argument marking (DAM). This research area is of topical interest in modern descriptive and theoretical linguistics, primarily in the context of the general methodological problem of modeling linguistic variation. Therefore, along with traditional issues such as studies of DAM in specific languages and structural positions, modern research addresses the issues of the universality of mechanisms of DAM, its diachronic emergence and development, statistical analysis and multivariate models in typological and language-specific investigations of DAM.

Keywordsagreement, argument structure, case assignment, differential argument marking, linguistic typology, morphosyntactic alignment
Publication date05.12.2016
Number of characters788
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