M. Nomachi, A. Danylenko, P. Piper (eds). Grammaticalization and lexicalization in the Slavic languages. Proceedings from the 36th meeting of the Commission on the grammatical structure of the Slavic languages of the International Committee of slavists. München: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2014

Publication type Review
Source material for review M. Nomachi, A. Danylenko, P. Piper (eds). Grammaticalization and lexicalization in the Slavic languages. Proceedings from the 36th meeting of the Commission on the grammatical structure of the Slavic languages of the International Committee of slavists. München: Verlag Otto Sagner, 2014. 436 p. (Die Welt der Slaven. Bd 55.) ISBN 978-3-86688-520-2
Status Published
Affiliation: Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, 119019, Russian Federation
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 1


Keywordsreview article, diachrony, grammaticalization, lexicalization, Slavic
Publication date25.01.2016
Number of characters1411
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