A study of the aspectual system of Nanai

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute for Linguistic Studies
Address: St. Petersburg, 199053, Russian Federation
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 1

This paper deals with the aspect system of the Nanai language. Data are analyzed in the context of two types of aspect systems: inflectional and derivational. For this purpose, tense-aspect system and actionality features of Nanai verbs are described in two sections of the article. It turns out that Nanai has features of both kinds of systems. At the same time, neither of the systems is fully grammaticalized in Nanai. This allows us to conclude that Nanai has a «mixed» type of aspect system.

Keywordsactionality, aspect, derivational aspect, inflectional aspect, Nanai language
Publication date25.01.2016
Number of characters494
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