I. Mel’čuk, J. Milićević. Introduction à la linguistique. Paris: Hermann, 2014

Publication type Review
Source material for review I. Mel’čuk, J. Milićević. Introduction à la linguistique. Paris: Hermann, 2014. 3 vol. 378 + 286 + 392 p. ISBN 978-27-0568-058-9, 978-27-0568-170-8, 978-27-0568-171-5
Status Published
Russian State University for the Humanities
Address: Moscow, 119571, Russia
Journal nameVoprosy Jazykoznanija
EditionIssue 1


Keywordsreview article, handbooks, linguistic theory, Meaning-Text theory
Publication date01.02.2015
Number of characters883
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1. Mel'chuk 1974 — Mel'chuk I. A. Opyt teorii lingvisticheskikh modelej «Smysl ⇔ Tekst». M.: Nauka, 1974. [Mel’čuk I. A. Opyt teorii lingvisticheskikh modelei «Smysl ⇔ Tekst» [An attempt at a theory of «Meaning ⇔ Text» linguistic models]. Moscow: Nauka, 1974.]

2. Mel'chuk 1997—2006 — Mel'chuk I. A. Kurs obschej morfologii. M.: Progress, 1997—2006. [Mel’čuk I. A. Kurs obshchei morfologii [Course in general morphology]. Moscow: Progress, 1997—2006.]

3. Reformatskij 1960 — Reformatskij A. A. Vvedenie v yazykoznanie. M.: Uchpedgiz, 1960. [Reformatskii A. A. Vvedenie v yazykoznanie [Introduction to linguistics]. Moscow: Uchpedgiz, 1960.]

4. Apresjan, Iomdin 2013 — Apresjan V., Iomdin B. (eds). Meaning–Text Theory: Current developments. Wiener Slawistischer Almanach. 2013. Sonderband 85.

5. Chomsky, Halle 1968 — Chomsky N., Halle M. The sound pattern of English. New York: Harper & Row, 1968.

6. Haspelmath 2009 — Haspelmath M. An empirical test of the Agglutination hypothesis. Universals of language today. Scalise S., Magni E., Bisetto A. (eds). Dordrecht: Springer science & business media, 2009.

7. Mel’čuk 1993—2000 — Mel’čuk I. Cours de morphologie générale. Montréal; Paris: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 1993—2000.

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