Formative-semantic models of adjective compounds in English and Serbian

Код статьиS0373658X0003837-9-1
Тип публикации Статья
Статус публикации Опубликовано
Аффилиация: University of Niš
Адрес: Serbia, Niš, 18000
Название журналаВопросы языкознания
ВыпускНомер 6

The paper is a comparative-contrasive analysis of the models or patterns of adjective compound formation in English and Serbian, two typologically different languages. As any sustainable attempt to establish similarities and differences between the two languages regarding lexeme formation processes would not be possible if one relied solely on the surface formal features of compounds, the comparison has been drawn between formative-semantic models of adjective compounds based on the internal relations within their underlying structure. The contrasting procedure has been performed on 32 different models established in English and 19 in Serbian. The entire idea is founded upon the assumption that compound lexical constructs are interpretable in terms of reduced clauses (in this particuar instance, adjectival clauses), an approach that could be traced back to the works of Lees, Ljung, Chomsky, Lieber, and others.

Ключевые словаcompound adjectives, formation patterns, English, Serbian
Источник финансированияThe paper has been written as a part of the research project “Languages and cultures across space and time” funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Grant No. 178002).
Дата публикации18.12.2017
Кол-во символов923
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