“A Report on Industrial Architectural Monuments in the Sverdlovsk Oblast” as a New Source for the History of Technology in the Urals

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
Address: Yekaterinburg, Ul. Mira, 19
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 43 Issue 4

A new source for the history of science and technology, “A report on the industrial architectural monuments in the Sverdlovsk Oblast” dated 29 February 1971, discovered at the Center for NGO Documentations in the Sverdlovsk Oblast (Yekaterinburg), is introduced for scientific use for the first time. This is a consolidated information document, based on the reports from the on-site investigations of ironworks built in the Sverdlovsk Oblast before the 19th century that had been conducted by architectural historians. The document was prepared by a member of the All-Russian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments that has contributed immensely to the preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the USSR. This document, published here, contains valuable information on the history of studies of the region’s industrial past and the remaining monuments of industrial heritage of the Urals that were in a better or worse condition by the early 1970s. It will be useful for the historians of science and technology, architects, and everyone caring about the history of Russian industrial heritage.          

Keywordshistory of science and technology, industrial heritage, factories, industrial architecture, Sverdlovsk Oblast
Publication date12.12.2022
Number of characters41223
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