The Noginsk Tram: The Pending Anniversary Ce­lebration without a Hero

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Moscow, Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 42 1

This article reviews the history of the tram system in a Moscow suburban town of Noginsk (before 1930 Bogorodsk) that was the second (after Baku) enterprise of this kind opened in the Soviet era. Its history is unique in its own way and, at the same time, quite typical for the Russian Empire / USSR / Russian Federation. The article reviews the reasons for creating the Bogorodsk tram system and the course of its construction, the townspeople’s attitude towards the launch of tram operation and how this event was possibly reflected in fiction (“The Twelve Chairs” by I. A. Ilf and E. P. Petrov), technical features of this tram system and its development over the decades, and the dynamics of rolling stock renewal. Unfortunately, the Noginsk tram is approaching its own centenary in a state of actual termination even though still existing de jure. And yet, apart from the problem with funding, there’s nothing to prevent the reconstruction or, rather, construction of the new tram system in Noginsk that would meet current requirements, and the author of this article would like to make his own contribution to the realization of this idea.

Keywordstram, Bogorodsk (Noginsk), history, technology, tourism
Publication date29.03.2021
Number of characters39922
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