The Eves: From the Institute for the History of Science to the Institute for the History of Science and Technology of the USSR Academy of Science

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology
Address: Moscow, Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 41 3

This paper is devoted to a very important event in the historiography of the history of science – the restoration of the Institute for the History of Science (IEE) in 1944–1945 on the initiative of V. L. Komarov, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and with the personal permission of I. V. Stalin. The paper reviews the main stages in the development of IHS that had to go through several crises and periods of relatively normal development in an extremely difficult sociopolitical environment where Soviet science was being badly shaken by numerous ideological or, rather, repressive campaigns. The paper shows the role of IEE leaders (Kh. S. Koshtoyants, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences who succeeded Komarov as director of the Institute, and N. A. Figurovskii who was deputy director under Koshtoyants) and research fellows (S. L. Sobol, A. P. Yushkevich, and others) in the Institute’s work and development. The evolution of the attitude of S. I. Vavilov, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, towards IHS and the history of science in general is analyzed. Initially, S. I. Vaviliov was extremely negative about the creation of the Institute. A number of previously unknown events are reconstructed based on the archival material, introduced for scientific use for the first time: the relocation of IEE from Moscow to Leningrad in 1948, which could have led to its dissolution, and a memorandum on the development of the history of science in the USSR, prepared on the instruction of B. D. Grekov, Academician-Secretary of the History and Philosophy Division (OIF) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. This is an important document that captures the historiographic situation in the studies on the history of science. A 1952 event that, in the end, determined the fate of IHS was a failed attempt to create the Institute for the History of Technology under the auspices of the USSR Academy of Sciences. This failure led to a forcible merger of the Commission for the History of Technology (KIT) with IEE and the latter’s transformation into the Institute for the Hof the USSR Academy of Sciences on the  initiative of V. A. Golubtsova, Deputy Chair of KIT. This had led to yet another crisis that lasted a decade.

KeywordsInstitute for the History of Science, history of science, V. L. Komarov, Kh. S. Koshtoyants, S. I. Vavilov, N. A. Figurovskii, S. L. Sobol, A P. Yushkevich, Commission for the History of Technology, Institute for the History of Technology, V. A. Golubtsova
Publication date29.09.2020
Number of characters85167
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