A discusssion on optimal forms of the organization of higher education in the Russian empire / Soviet Russia / USSR through the prism of the history of the Grozny Oil Institute (1920s through 1940s)

Publication type Article
Status Published
S. I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences
M. D. Millionshchikov Grozny State Oil Technical University
Address: Ul. Baltiyskaya, 14, Moscow, 125315, Russia; Prosp. im. Kh. A. Isaeva, 100, Grozny, 364051, Russia
Affiliation: M. D. Millionshchikov Grozny State Oil Technical University
Address: Prosp. im. Kh. A. Isaeva, 100, Grozny, 364051, Russia
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 40 2
AbstractBased on example of the history of the Grozny Oil Institute, this paper analyses the issue of optimal forms of the organization of higher technical education that had been raised many times in the Russian Empire and remained topical in the situation of new socioeconomic systems and establishment of RSFSR and USSR. The study is focused on the effectiveness of decentralization of the Soviet system of higher technical education and the distribution of technical higher education institutions (HEI) across the USSR regions; on the discussion about whether technical HEI should train universal engineering professionals or narrow engineering specialists; and on the specifics of curricula and innovative teaching and learning methodologies employed at the Grozny Oil Institute from the 1920s through the 1940s and aimed at ensuring that theoretical training was carried out in close proximity to practical training of future oil industry professionals. The paper highlights how the development of higher technical education in the USSR largely depended on the historical, economic and regional factors. It also shows the role of the Grozny Oil Institute in supplying oil industry in the region and the country in general with relevant professionals and technical innovations; in the popularization of technical education in the region, particularly among its indigenous population; and in changing the socio-cultural aspects of life both in the city of Grozny and in the North Caucasus in general.
Keywordstechnical education in the Russian Empire / RSFSR / USSR, engineer, oil industry, professional education, industrialization, higher technical education institutions (VTUZ), Grozny Oil Institute, decentralization of education system
Publication date20.06.2019
Number of characters54868
100 rub.
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