The materials for studying the life and scientific activities of I. A. Perfiliev, scientific explorer of the European North of Russia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Komi Science Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities
Address: Russian Federation, Syktyvkar
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 40 1

The paper describes for the first time the materials concerning the life and scientific activities of a scientific explorer of the European North of Russia, I. A. Perfiliev, stored in the collections of the Komi Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Ural Branch (Scientific Library, Scientific Archive, Institute of Biology) and in some other archives and museums (State Archive of the Arkhangelsk Oblast, Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, including its St. Petersburg Branch, Arkhangelsk Oblast Museum of Local Lore). These materials include the scientist’s personal library, his autobiography, the list of publications, personal files, correspondence, and a herbarium collected by Perfiliev. The paper analyzes his contribution to the studies of plant resources of the European North of Russia in the 1930s. New details of the history of evacuation of the USSR Academy of Sciences’ Northern and Kola Bases to Syktyvkar during the Great Patriotic War (World War II) and setting up the USSR Academy of Sciences’ Base for North studies, based on these institutions.

KeywordsI. A. Perfiliev, USSR Academy of Sciences, Komi Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Ural Branch (Komi NTs URo RAN), European North of Russia, Northern Base of the USSR Academy of Sciences, botanical studies
Publication date27.03.2019
Number of characters28728
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