The history of cloud studies in Russia: from the chronicles to V. V. Kuznetsov’s “Cloud Atlas”

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Research Institute of Military History General Staff Academy of the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Journal nameVoprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki
EditionVolume 40 1

The paper reviews the main periods of cloud studies in Russia, from the ancient times to 1917. Since humans came into existence, clouds played an important role in their life. With the development of meteorology as a science, systematic studies of clouds began in different countries including Russia. The studies of physical fundamentals of cloud formation were carried out and the systems for their classifications were proposed. In the early 19th  century, the most popular of these systems was L. Howard’s nomenclature. In Russia, relatively systematic observations of clouds began in the Petrine era within the framework of general weather observations. A major milestone in cloud studies in Russia was establishing a Central Physical Laboratory in 1849, with A. T. Kupffer as its director. This institution became the chief coordinator of all meteorological observations in the country and, among other things, issued instructions for observers, including those on cloud observation. Despite the existence of cloud classifications, no cloud atlases existed for a long time. The first of such atlases, the “International Cloud Atlas,” only appeared in 1896 and was also published in Russia. An original Russian cloud atlas composed by V. V. Kuznetsov, appeared in 1917 and marked the beginning of the Soviet / Russian tradition of publishing such atlases.

Keywordsclouds, classification, observatory, aerology, atlas
Publication date27.03.2019
Number of characters25754
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