Foresight in the science of Administrative Law (From the works of the anniversary - administrativist scientist P.P. Sergun)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Professor of the Department of state and legal disciplines
Affiliation: Volga Institute (branch) of the All-Russian state University of justice (Russian law Academy of the Ministry of justice of Russia)
Address: Russian Federation, Saratov
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Russian Federation
Occupation:  Professor of the Department of Constitutional, Administrative Law and Legal Support of Public Service
Affiliation: Vyatka State University
Address: Russian Federation
Journal nameGosudarstvo i pravo
EditionIssue 10

The article presents an analysis of the main scientific publications of the leading administrative expert, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation Pеtеr Pavlovich Sergun in the year of his 70th birthday. An assessment is given to the scientific developments of the scientist in the areas of public service, administrative reform, administrative responsibility, administrative and information legal relations, digitalization of public administration, and the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in management activities. The significant contribution of the hero of the day to the development of the categorical apparatus of jurisprudence in general and the science of Administrative Law in particular is noted. Conclusions are formulated about the prognostic nature of P.P. Sergun, the basis of his scientific research on foresight as the most important factor in the development of the science of Administrative Law.

Keywordspublic service, administrative reform, executive authorities, incentive proceedings, administrative responsibility, subject-object formation, administrative legal relations, information legal relations, digitalization of public administration, artificial intelligence
Publication date27.11.2023
Number of characters11717
100 rub.
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