Issue 1

  • 1 rub.
  • Volume: 45
  • Issue number: 1

Table of contents

Title Author(s) Pages
From the History of Science
Helminthological Studies of Białowieża Bison in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century Anastasia Fedotova / Ekaterina Zharova Pages 9-40
Dinosaurs from the Quarry: A History of the First Studies of Dinosaurs in the Amur Region (1949– 1951) Irina Ermatsans / Yurii Bolotsky / Ivan Bolotsky Pages 41-57
Из истории техники
Technology Development Phases, as Exemplified by the Evolution of Aircraft Power Plants Yurii Kuzmin Pages 58-78
Historical Reviews
Observations of Solar Eclipses in Russia: Between the Chronicles and the First Scientific Expeditions (18th – 19th Centuries) Sergei Maslikov Pages 79-97
Materials for the Biographies of Scientists and Engineers
Towards the History of the Russian-Swedish Grade Measurement Expedition in the Svalbard Archipelago (1899–1901): An Analysis of the Scientific Legacy of Academician F. N. Chernyshev Tatiana Filippova Pages 98-113
“Received No Awards”: From the Pages of the Biography of a Repressed Scientist, G. L. Stadnikov (1880–1973) Svetlana Simakova Pages 114-130
Sources for the History of Science and Technology
“The Works on the Renovation of the Building Has Been Underway for Exactly a Year Now”: Provision of Infrastructure for the State Institute of Public Health in 1919–1920 Valeriya Sliskova Pages 131-144
Institutions and Museums
Gornotayozhnaya Station of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: The First Steps of the Oldest Academy’s Institution in Russia’s Far East Alexander Kolyada / Svetlana Berseneva / Natalia Repsh / Alexander Belov Pages 145-157
“Observations Stopped on the Occasion of the Cession of Alaska”: St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences’ Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory in Sitka (Alaska) Tatiana Feklova Pages 158-174
Book Reviews
Postnikov, A. V. Geographical Exploration and Mapping of Poland in the Process of Creation of “A Topographic Map of the Tsardom of Poland” (1818–1843) (Moscow, 2021), ISBN 978-5-98797-314-1, reviewed by V. M. Savenkova, N. A. Ozerova Vera Savenkova / Nadezhda Ozerova Pages 175-183
Smolegovskii, A. M., Kharitonova, A. N. A Brief History of the Discovery and Studies of Transuranium Elements (Moscow, 2021), ISBN 978-5-9710- 9463-0, reviewed by T. V. Bogatova Tatiana Bogatova Pages 184-187
Books in Brief
Books in Brief Marina Shleeva Pages 188-190
Academic Life
Conference “Two Days of History and Epistemology of the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics” Alexander A. Pechenkin Pages 191-200
An Exhibition in the House of the Russian Historical Society Devoted to the History of Civil Aviation Evgenij Eremkin / Natalia Kapustnikova Pages 201-204
9th IHST RAS Scientific School for Young Scientists “Industrial Cities: Scientific and Technical Legacy” Nikita Bilenko / Polina Zakharchuk Pages 205-209
Scientific Readings “Traditions and New Approaches in the Study of the History of the Academy of Sciences (In Commemoration of the Tercentenary of the Russian Academy of Sciences)” Andrey Skrydlov Pages 210-213
Events in Brief
Events in Brief Editorial Office of the Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki journal Pages 214-216

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