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Additional sources and materials
AGD I. 3 Brandt, E. (Hrsg.), Antike Gemmen in deutschen Sammlungen. Bd. 1. Staatliche Münzsammlung München. Teil 3. Gemmen und Glaspasten der römischen Kaiserzeit sowie Nachträge. München, 1972
AGD III Zazoff, P. (Hrsg.), Antike Gemmen in deutschen Sammlungen. Bd. III. Braunschweig, Göttingen, Kassel. Wiesbaden, 1970
BaBesch Bulletin Antieke Beschaving. Annual Papers on Mediterranean Archaeology
НА РО ИИМК РАН – Научный архив рукописный отдел Института истории материальной культуры РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
ЦГИА – Центральный государственный исторический архив, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Frolova, N.A., Ireland, S. The Coinage of the Bosporan Kingdom from the First Century BC to the First Century AD (BAR International Series 1102). Oxford, 2002
. Washington, 1992
DOC 1 – Bellinger, A.R., Grierson, Ph. (eds.). Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection. Vol. 1. Bellinger, A.R. Anastasius I to Maurice. 491–602. Washington, 1966
Bellinger, A.R., Grierson, Ph. (eds.). Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection. Vol. III. Grierson, Ph., Leo III to Nicephorus III. 717–1081. Pt. 2. Basil I to Nicephorus III. 867–1081. Washington, 1993
Bellinger, A.R., Grierson, Ph. (eds.). Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection. Vol. 4. Hendy, M.F. Alexius I to Michael VIII. 1081–1261. Pt. 1. Alexius I to Alexius V. 1081–1261. Washington, 1999
Bellinger, A.R., Grierson, Ph. (eds.). Catalogue of the Byzantine Coins in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection and in the Whittemore Collection. Vol. 5. Grierson, Ph. Michael VIII to Constantine XI. 1058–1453. Pt. 2. Catalogue, Concordances and Indexes. Washington, 1999
– Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Great Britain. Vol. IX. British Museum. Pt. I. Price M. The Black Sea. London, 1993
SNG Stancomb – Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum Great Britain. Vol. XI. The William Stancomb Collection of the Black Sea Region. Oxford, 2000
Carson, R.A.G. (eds.). The Roman Imperial Coinage. Vol. VIII. Kent, J.P.C. The Family of Constantine. A.D. 337–364. London, 1981
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