On the decline of the Delphic Oracle in the second half of the VI century BC.

Publication type Article
Status Approved
Affiliation: independent researcher
Address: Mednogorskiy, 369281 Parkovaya str.11, Mednogorskiy, Karatchaevo-Cherkesskaya Respublika

The proposed paper examines the circumstances and consequences of the fire that occurred in Delphi in 548/47 BC and destroyed the temple of Apollo completely. A decline in the activity of the Delphic oracle was revealed in the second half of the VI century BC. A comparison of the currently available estimates of the genuineness of the prophecies uttered by the Pythia during this period was carried out, and it was concluded that during the third quarter of the VI century BC the activity of the oracle was completely stopped. Its activity resumed only in the last quarter of the VI century BC, but its activity continued to be very weak. In addition, some data are given showing a low degree of probability of the Pythia using any other methods of obtaining prophecies, in addition to their utterance from a tripod according to the ritual adopted in Delphi.

Keywordsoracle, fire, prophecy, vapors, lot, cleromancy
Number of characters61930
100 rub.
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