Relations of the Delta with Canaan at the End of the Old Kingdom (according to the Inscriptions on the Architrave from Kom El-Akhdar)

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences
Address: Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 82 Issue 4

The article offers a continuation of the study of the architrave from Kom el-Akhdar dated to the late Sixth – Eighth Dynasties. It consists mainly of a commentary on anthroponyms and notes on some titles. The names of the two sons of the deceased, sD-rtTnw (‘Breaker (of the inhabitants) of the Land rtTnw’) and aAm (‘Canaanite’), are of great interest as evidence for the early relations between Egypt and the neighboring Semitic tribes. Some suggestions are made concerning the titles jmj-rA gs-pr (‘overseer of the side of the house’) and jmj-rA jHw m gswj-pr (‘overseer of cattle on both sides of the house’). These data indicate that the Delta played the role of a frontier territory through which Egypt conducted trade with Canaan, as well as carried on campaigns against the tribes of the Southern Levant.

KeywordsOld Kingdom Egypt, 6th Dynasty, 8th Dynasty, Ancient Egyptian epigraphy, Old Egyptian language, international relations between Egypt and Southern Palestine in the third millennium BC
Publication date23.12.2022
Number of characters36514
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