Publication type Article
Status Approved
Occupation: professor
Affiliation: Dostoevsky Omsk State University
Address: Russian Federation, Omsk

The main theme of the article is the early scholarship of academician Mikhail Korostovtsev (1900–1980), who came decisively to historian crafts only in the second part of his life (he was a sailor to the middle of 1930s). Before the Great Patriotic War the historian hasn’t written to much, but he wrote  the dissertation about Egyptian slavery in the times of the XVIII dynasty. This text is very interesting because it fixed new stage of Soviet historiography of antiquity as a slave-owning theory associating with true Marxism-Leninism. Vasiliy Struve was supervisor of Korostovtsev dissertation, that’s why it has a many features of his understanding of ancient Orient societies. But Korostovtsev was not only pupil of Struve, because he shows much careful work with sources and much accuracy in his findings. In fact, he found no mention of a large number of slaves during the 18th dynasty, either among prisoners of war or in the sphere of private slavery – except for a few exceptions, which were not necessarily explained by the general widespread distribution of slave. In this respect we could think about Korostovtsev as a pupil of Yuri Perepyolkin too, because in the same years he protected position of Perepyolkin in his letters to the Abram Ranovich: according to Korostovtsev, in reality Marxian theory will become fruitless if it rushes to generalizations without waiting for them to be verified by historical facts. In his own study, however, Korostovtsev was able to find only an unstable balance between the stated generalization about the slave system in ancient Egypt and the real evidence he found of the relatively modest development of slavery during the 18th dynasty.

Keywordsancient history, Soviet historiography, studies of slavery, M.A. Korostovtsev
AcknowledgmentRussian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 20-09-41014
Number of characters33320
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