City-Building Plan of Olbia Pontica

Publication type Article
Status Published
Occupation: Deputy ditector
Affiliation: Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences, Ukraine
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 81 Issue 3

The paper is devoted to the study of the regular city plan of Olbia Pontica at the end of the sixth century BCE. It offers a reconstruction of the main elements of spatial division and determines the role of agora, the direction of the Main longitudinal street, and establishes the sequence of the foundations of the three temene: the Western temenos was founded approximately at the beginning of the sixth century BCE, the Southern at the beginning of the fifth century BCE, and the Eastern in the middle of the fifth century BCE. It is argued that the peculiarities of the urban development of Olbia combined regular but not orthogonal planning system of the Western Mediterranean origin with residential buildings typical of the Eastern Mediterranean.

KeywordsOlbia Pontica, regular town planning
Publication date16.09.2021
Number of characters54274
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Fig. 1. A cross between the Main longitudinal and transversal street at the AGD sector in the center of the Upper city (after Pharmakovskiї 1929, fig. 17. (рис._1.tif, 549 Kb) [Download]

Fig. 2. Plan of the excavated objects in the south-eastern part of the Upper city of Olbia with the buildings cut in sub-soil and pits of the first building period; tracks of the Main longitudinal and (рис._2.tif, 1,142 Kb) [Download]

Fig. 3. Buildings cut in sub-soil near the border of the Western temenos, view from the South. Photo by S. D. Kryzhitskii. (рис._3.tif, 702 Kb) [Download]

Fig. 4. A part of the Main longitudinal street of the Roman – beginning of late Roman period, view from the South. Photo by V. V. Krapivina. (рис._4.tif, 2,348 Kb) [Download]

Fig. 5. Lower levels of the Main longitudinal street: 1. End of 6th – beginning of 5th century BCE; 2. End of 5th – beginning of 4th century BCE. Photo by A. V. Buiskikh. (рис._5.tif, 935 Kb) [Download]

Fig. 6. Regular city-building plan of Olbia. Reconstruction after A. V. Buiskikh. (рис._6.tif, 3,639 Kb) [Download]

Система Orphus
