Inscriptions from the fieldwork at the suburban sanctuary of Gorgippia

Publication type Article
Status Published
Affiliation: Institute of archaeology RAS
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow
Affiliation: Anapa Archaeological Museum
Address: Russian Federation, Anapa
Journal nameVestnik drevnei istorii
EditionVolume 82 Issue 1

Four inscriptions found in the course of fieldwork at the suburban sanctuary not far from Gorgippia (modern Anapa) in 1985 are published in the article. Inscription 1 is a dedication of a private association, which erected a stele with a text at in the end of August or September AD 161 or 171. It is fragmentary, but may suggest that more than 50 people were members of the association. Inscription 2 contains a list of names and apparently represents a part of a dedication of a private association at Gorgippia. It is dated to the middle of the second century AD. Along with common Greek, Anatolian, and North-Iranian names that are well-known in the Bosporan region in the Roman period, both inscriptions contain new variations of Sarmatian names previously mentioned in the inscriptions of Tanais from the first half of the third century AD, as well as new names which can be tentatively assigned to the Scythian and Sarmatian anthroponomy in the Northern Black Sea Region (Αταιγος, Αμψατιος, Μαναγεις, Ναφομφμας, Οκατης). Only an eponymous formula with the name of the Bosporan king Sauromates II (AD 173/174–210/211) has survived in inscription 3. Fragments of the eponymous formula and calendar date are found in inscription 4. It can be dated by palaeographic criteria to the reign of the Bosporan king Eupatoros (AD 153/154–173/174).

KeywordsBosporan kingdom, Gorgippia, a suburban sanctuary, inscriptions
Publication date28.03.2022
Number of characters37060
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